SI 40.10-40,00 NHK DES, Safedrive 3~400V with Hand Crank
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The SI 40.10-40.00 NHK DES is a self-locking industrial drive with emergency hand crank (emergency chain hoist is available on request) that has been specially developed for driving an unbalanced roller door. This drive is mounted directly on the shaft of the door and is equipped with an integrated roll-off protection.
SKU | 10002367.10011 |
Temperatuurbereik | -10°C +40°C (60°C) |
Supply voltage | 400V/3~ |
Base height | 120 mm |
Mounting position | SG 85F |
IP value | 65 |
Max catch moment | 760 Nm |
Openings / hour | 9 |
Type of limit switch | DES |
Shaft diameter (Ø) | 40,00 mm |
Limit switch range | 20 |
Electrical Power | 1,2 kW |
Couple | 400 Nm |
Power frequency | 50 Hz |
Rated current | 2,95 A |
Speed | 10 min-1 |
Temperature range | -10 °C...+40(+60) °C |
Test number roll-off protection | 14-003612-PR03 |
Opening speed | 10 min-1 |
Close speed | 10 min-1 |
Power supply motor | 3~ 400 Vac |
Weight in/ex packing | 25,8 kg |
Emergency control | Emergency sling NHK |

Mechanical accessories
Moving torque mount for construction type: SG85F with shaft ø: 40mm
Art. No 20002494.00025

Mechanical accessories
Torque mount for drives SI75>SI180 - SG115F
Art. No 30003162